TOTs: Suck Training

Suck training can involve a variety of different oral or facial exercises done with your infant to help them build the neurological coordination and muscular strength needed to use their tongue and other oral structures effectively. While this is beneficial for many babies, it’s critical for babies with oral ties both prior to and after a frenotomy procedure to support optimal oral development. Though a frenotomy procedure ideally provides them with greater range of motion, accessing those new abilities effectively can take time and practice.



Basic “Suck Training” Exercises

For these, all you need is your baby and a clean finger. I recommend doing these exercises for 3-5 minutes, 2-4x per day - ideally at times when your baby is calm & alert. It can be useful to do them right before latching or feeding but often newborns will find that too frustrating if they are feeling hungry. It’s important to avoid creating an association of frustration or discomfort with these exercises, so if your baby signals they are overwhelmed just stop and try again later.  

  • Start here: this video is the basic suck training routine I typically teach (same video featured above)

  • Another great example: this video is another good example, with an additional emphasis on facial exercises to address tension in the face & jaw.

Proper Tongue Function

OK, but what is it supposed to look like?

For reference, here is a great example of proper tongue function. What’s demonstrated here is the kind of tongue strength and coordination needed to maintain a tight seal during latching to breast or bottle, which not only allows a baby to effectively draw out milk but prevents issues like gas and reflux. Watching this often really helps parents compare their own child’s current tongue function vs. where we want to go to meet your feeding goals and ensure optimal oral development.

Suck Training Tools

Some babies, especially those over about 10-12 weeks old, may struggle to engage with some of the exercises demonstrated above, especially sucking on your finger like a pacifier. Some babies, no matter what age, just feel really overwhelmed by it but are more relaxed if we use the right paci or toy to help them build the strength & coordination they need.


Pacifiers, Bottles + Teethers


TOTs 101: Intro to Tongue Ties